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Female Performer
Piano Concert Hall
Glasses and Music Sheet
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Brief Introduction


Chinese Artists Society of Toronto (CAST) is a non-profit charity organization with its major objectives in supporting Chinese professional artists and promoting artistic and cultural activities in our society.

Popular Music Club (PMC) is a subsidiary of Chinese Artists Society of Toronto sharing the same charity license number.  It also shares the objectives and the 

not-for-profit nature of Chinese Artists Society of  Toronto. The main goal is to develop and promote popular music and mass cultural activities. The Club was founded on August 8th 2008.

Since its inauguration 10 years ago, Popular Music Club (PMC) has hosted various performances of different scales; it has also actively participated in a variety of charitable events and activities to provide ongoing support to the community.


There are 9 experienced professional instructors coaching vocal music classes as follows: One Song per Week; singing Techniques; basics in Vocal Music; live Performance; presentation skills and techniques. Study attendance each week is by the hundreds. Activities are hosted by Popular Music Club (PMC) to serve the public.


Based on the non-profit objective, the cost of all activities is kept low and is affordable for all members. All the directors and the executives are volunteers donating their time and efforts. Over the past 10 years, CAST Popular Music Club has gained acclamation and a very high reputation from the community and a wide range of support from all walks of our society.

多倫多華人藝術家中心 (Chinese Artists Society of Toronto - CAST) 是以支持華裔專業藝術家和社會藝術文化活動的之不牟利文藝組織, 成立於 1990 年。

歌藝會 (Popular Music Club PMC) 是多倫多華人藝術家中心 (CAST) 的附屬機構, 棣屬同一慈善註冊號。 它秉承華人藝術家中心的宗旨和不牟利的本色, 通過大眾文化活動推廣流行音樂。成立於 2008 年 8 月 8 日。

歌藝會成立十一年來,每年舉辦多樣化的大小型演出活動, 積極參加社會各種籌款慈善活動,捐助給不同的老人院,醫院,和社區有需求的組織。歌藝會以其務實作風在社會上贏得良好聲譽,也得到社會各界廣泛支持。



歌藝會現有 9 位經驗豐富的專業聲樂導師。學員通過基本功及正確歌唱技巧學習, 培育個人獨特歌唱演繹技巧,  娛人娛己有助於心身健康發展。訓練課程包括: 開聲訓練、丹田發聲、發聲技巧、共鳴運用、音域擴展、真假音轉換、咬字吐詞、感情表達、層次處理、台風演繹…等等流行曲歌唱技巧。

Realize Your Singing Passion

If you’re looking to pick up or expand your singing skill set and realize your singing passion, look no further. With our variety of courses, exceptional teachers and welcoming student environment,

PMC 歌藝會 is the place for you.

如果您正在尋找學習或增進您的演唱技巧並實現您的歌唱熱愛的學會,請不用猶豫了。PMC  歌藝會的各種課程,優秀的導師和親切的學習環境,



唱歌, 尤其對老年人, 好處極多。音樂與歌曲能給人帶來美的享受。 經常高唱優美動聽的歌曲,不但使人心情愉快,振發精神消除疲勞,還能激發調節身體各項功能,有益於身心健康。 唱歌是有助於體內按摩。 唱歌與練聲,均能擴大肺活量,增加肺泡通氣量。 高歌使胸腹部運動協調,利於氣,血的運行。 經常高歌能調氣,運氣,養氣,持之以恆可增力氣,增強臟腑。 對氣虛體弱的人,唱歌有保健養生之效。 此外,中老年人經常練唱歌,能激發對生活的信心和美好的嚮往,能青春,健康長壽煥發。


Inquiry & Sign-Up 

Get in touch today to find out more about our admissions and further information by phone,  email or  online inquiry below.

詳詢及報名請致電各位老師  或 電郵:  或填交以下表格。

Thanks for submitting! 謝謝 !


Unit 2,  570 Alden Road, Markham ON, L3R 8N5



416 902-1028

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